Phobias present as an intense fear and experiencing of anxiety type symptoms when faced with situations or objects that you are afraid of. It may be a fear of spiders, open spaces, clowns, or birds or other things that you notice no-one else is fearful of. Sometimes when you have severe phobias, symptoms can be triggered by even thinking about the situation or object. Often you will know that it is not normal to be so frightened of something but are unable to control the feelings.
Symptoms of phobias can present as feeling unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded, or shaky. It may be that you experience a choking sensation or have a pounding heart or palpitations, chest pain or tightness in the chest, have nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea, feel numbness or a tingling sensation.
Some people’s phobias do not affect their lives as they are not exposed to the stressor very often and symptoms are mild, but sometimes the associated anxiety is so severe that lifestyles can be compromised. If you are in the latter group, these phobias, can be treated in a gentle manner with the appropriate care and support.
Please see your GP in the first instance for a review of your mental health and potential diagnosis to assist treatment.